Büffelfrau Schamanismus

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Auf diesem Blog von DIE WEISSE BÜFFELFRAU bietet sich, dem Interessierten, die Möglichkeit, sich dem Thema Schamanismus zu nähern. ------------------------------------------ Im speziellen dem Büffelfrau Schamanismus. ----------------------------------------- Die Urheberin ist selbst Forschende. Sie arbeitet als schamanische Beraterin, Seminarleiterin, Ausbilderin, Zeremonien Leiterin, Referentin/hält Vorträge, baut Trommeln/Schamanen Trommeln, ist in verschiedene, kreative Projekte eingebunden und tut, was das Leben und der Weg, im speziellen, der schamanische Weg, von ihr fordert. ----------------------------------------- Dabei ist Ihr Leben, ganz, der weissen Büffelfrau gewidmet. In tiefer Dankbarkeit. www.dieweissebueffelfrau.de

Freitag, 30. Dezember 2022

Happy new year!


The vision and mission for the year 2023 - Looking at the bright side of life.


Many new things are coming into people's lives. Also future technologies. This year and the following years.


We should learn to find a good way to live with it. And we will.


We should recognize the dangers involved and learn to protect ourselves from them. And we will.


Our lives will change and we will decide for ourselves how we live with the changes.


Personally, I will continue to look and live on the bright side of life.


And as before, I will help the people who want it in the same way. That they find their own way to live freely and happily.


That's why I'm going to learn more about future technologies. That's why I'm going to do a lot more shamanic journeys, in VR.


I also work with Oculus glasses and the best programs.


Through this and other ways, I build bridges between the spiritual worlds and the technical ones.


That's my biggest challenge. But it is also my mission.


I work for this, in my practice, in Kelheim and worldwide.

As a shamanic practitioner and trance therapist.


That's why I will be in contact with developers and visionaries.


And already today I say "THANK YOU" to all the helpers in my life. "THANK YOU" to all people and souls.


"THANK YOU" to the spirit of the white buffalo woman and all good spirits. "THANK YOU" to the creative power.